Thursday, October 28, 2010

Info Negeri Kedah

Bendera Negeri Kedah

Sejarah Bendera Malaysia

Na dapat artikel mengenai bendera Malaysia serta bendera setiap negeri bila na membeli surat khabar, diselitkan satu mini surat khabar berjudul Keluaran Khas Kemerdekaan, pada sabtu 30 Ogos 2008. Na cuba scan dan masukkan dalam blog ni, diharapkan menjadi info berguna untuk semua. Untuk permulaan, Sejarah Bendera Malaysia....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The number one way to improve your memory

Memory loss is the single biggest fear for Americans over the age of 55. And it’s understandable: over 4 million currently suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and those numbers are expected to quadruple by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's Foundation. That may be why products promising to improve your brain function are flooding the market. Sudoku and crossword puzzles are said to improve memory association skills, though critics believe only when put to task by those puzzles. Ginkgo infused soft drinks line the grocery aisle, ever since the root was suggested to combat dementia (it doesn't). Even celery has been loosely linked to mental acuity. But the truth is there’s not enough hard evidence that any of these things really work.

In fact, there’s only one practice that’s been proven, without question, to preserve your memory: exercise. "Aerobic activities tend to show larger effects than non-aerobic activities," University of Pittsburgh psychologist Kirk Erickson tells Yahoo.

Working up a sweat helps your mind stay fit better than any crossword puzzle--unless you're doing that crossword on a treadmill.

The good news is that you don’t need to run a marathon. Just walking six miles a week can ward off memory disorders caused by aging, according to Erickson's research published this month in the medical journal Neurology. "It appears that if people start exercising their memory may improve and if you continue to exercise, that might delay, or offset, the age-related decline in memory," he explains.

And you don't need to lift any heavy barbells either. Erickson and his team monitored 300 senior adults over a period of 13 years, and found that those who walked between 6 and 9 miles a week—whether to work or with the dog--had half the brain deterioration of those who didn’t. "Exercise seems to enhance some of the more fundamental properties of our brain," Erickson explains. "It increases the growth of new cells and improves cellular processes associated with learning and memory." To put it simply, walking keeps your gray matter from shrinking. And the more matter, the more mind.

Another study published earlier this year suggests exercise can actually help your brain grow. A moderate workout may generate new brain cells. And not just any brain cells, but cells that specifically help to distinguish between memories, so each recollection stands out. It’s the kind of function you rely on every day, says Tim Bussey, one of the authors of the Cambridge University study. "[These cells help with] remembering which car parking space you have used on two different days in the previous week."

But exercise isn't the only way to keep tabs on your parking spot. There are some supplemental practices that doctors recommend in addition to a regular walk-a-thon. Diets rich in Omega fatty acids are instrumental in keeping your brain from aging. Two servings of salmon a week, provides ingredients that support brain tissue and enhance nerve cell function. Balancing fish with the other elements of a Mediterranean diet, like fruits and vegetables, has been found to lower the chances of cognitive decline. When it comes to memory retrieval, self-testing can be beneficial. In other words, pausing between paragraphs of an article and asking yourself to paraphrase the information, or repeat a fact. It can't hurt if that article is written in another language. Bilingualism, says one new study, helps ward off Alzheimer’s for up to four years. But it doesn't prevent the disease altogether. Your best bet: Walk it off.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Penganjuran Festival Busana Muslim di Monte Carlo, 9 Ogos Oleh Orang Kita!!!

Pada festival di Monte Carlo itu, perkataan "Muhammad" dalam tulisan Arab secara terbalik diguna dan dipakai di dada salah seorang peraga fesyen yang tidak menutup aurat.

Sumber dan penjelasan lanjut, sila klik di sini.

Coretan Hari Jumaat- Masjid Selat Melaka

Hari ini na berkesempatan menunaikan solat asar di Masjid Selat Melaka, di Pulau Melaka, Melaka. Masyaallah, cantiknya masjid tur, sebahagian masjid itu betul- betul terletak di dalam laut Selat Melaka...


Cantik bukan?...masa na pergi, air tengah surut, tapi masih dapat dengar bunyi air laut yang melalui di bawah masjid ini. Tenang menunaikan solat di dalam masjid tersebut dengan angin laut memasuki masjid di celah2 dinding masjid. Di sana, kita boleh nampak kapal2 yang melalui laut Selat Melaka:). Sayang seribu sayang, na masih belum memiliki kamera untuk mengambil gambar2 di sekitar masjid tersebut, takpelah, kalu cari melalui google, banyak gambar yang boleh kita lihat bukan:)

Dengar khabarnya, Pulau Melaka telah dibeli oleh pelabur Arab. Kalu tak silap na, salah satu projek di pulau buatan manusia ni adalah tempat pertunjukan singa laut.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Negeri Na diisytihar sebagai Melaka Maju

KUALA LUMPUR: Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, malam ini mengisytiharkan Melaka Maju 2010 menerusi sidang video di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) di sini.

Perisytiharan bersejarah itu dibuat secara langsung terus ke Stadium Hang Jebat disaksikan kira-kira 50,000 orang termasuk Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka, Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob, dan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam.

Perisytiharan itu dibuat tepat pada jam 8.10 malam ini atau jam 2010, pada tarikh 20.10.2010.Najib, ketika mengisytiharkan Melaka Maju itu, berkata beliau amat berbangga kerana kepimpinan kerajaan negeri Melaka dan rakyat Melaka yang bekerja kuat untuk mencapai wawasan membangunkan negeri itu.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ketahui cara beri bantuan kecemasan- tersedak Susu

KES kematian akibat menyusu ketika tidur bukan sesuatu yang baru. Hampir setiap bulan, kemalangan disebabkan tersedak susu atau tercekik makanan dilaporkan media yang kebanyakannya berlaku di pusat penjagaan kanak-kanak.

Ia sesuatu yang cukup malang apabila bayi yang baru saja mengenal dunia tidak dapat meneruskan kehidupan dek kelalaian ibu bapa atau penjaganya sendiri. Belum lagi dengan emosi si ibu dan bapa yang tidak dapat menerima hakikat kehilangan anak tersayang disebabkan kecuaian.

Menurut Pakar Kanak-Kanak, Pusat Rawatan Islam Az-Zahrah, Bandar Baru Bangi, Dr Nik Rosenorleyaney Nik Ibrahim, kes kematian akibat menyusu ketika tidur atau sedar berpunca daripada bayi yang ditinggalkan menyusu bersendirian tanpa pengawasan.

Apabila seorang bayi tertidur semasa sedang menghisap botol susu, susu itu akan terus mengalir membuatkan bayi tersedak dan susu akan terus masuk ke saluran pernafasan dan paru-paru mereka.

"Dalam tubuh manusia, terdapat dua saluran iaitu pernafasan pada bahagian hadapan manakala saluran makanan pada bahagian belakang. Apabila bayi minum dalam keadaan tergesa-gesa atau mungkin lubang puting botol yang terlalu besar, susu akan terus mengalir tanpa henti ketika bayi tertidur.

"Sudah tentu bayi tidak mempunyai daya untuk menarik botol itu sendiri menyebabkan susu memasuki saluran pernafasan, seterusnya ke dalam paru-paru. Apabila ini berlaku, biasanya bayi akan tersedak atau batuk iaitu tindakan refleks yang menunjukkan bayi memerlukan pertolongan atau perlindungan.

"Namun, bagi bayi yang ditinggalkan berseorangan, sudah tentu tidak mendapat maklum balas menyebabkan bayi lemas kerana tidak dapat bernafas. Walaupun bayi tersedak susu dalam jumlah yang amat sedikit, ini sudah cukup untuk melemaskan mereka.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Job Interview Questions & Answers


Basically you can find a list of popular interview questions just about anywhere; on your book shelf, major book stores, websites, under your boss’ desk, recruitment agencies, or in the dust bin. But that is less important than how you can handle and answer those questions. Below are 20 common questions that I developed based on popular interview questions normally asked by established companies.
The interview questions are divided into 4 main sections: Personal Motivation, Analytical, Project Management and Leadership & Conflict Resolution.

A. Personal Motivation

1. What motivates you in your job? What do you like and dislike about your current job?
I feel motivated when the effort that I have poured in on any particular challenging assignment gained recognition by my superiors. Not that I’m proud of myself but when your jobs done get noticed and recognized you feel that you bring a significant value in the organization.
In the current job the environment is very competitive but my fellow working colleagues are helpful to me and to each other and this creates an encouraging atmosphere in the company. This is what I like the most.
My scope of work is currently office-bounded and there’s little opportunity for me to travel to meet clients or expose myself to external training. This is the only opportunity that is lacking here. 

2. Please share a situation where you’ve really gone to use up all your ability and energy to accomplish your task.

On the eve of Hari Raya Haji in 2003 I and a team mate were completing a technical report to be submitted at the end of the day to client. It so happened that the PC that we were working on crashed down due to power failure. After getting the PC working again, all the information in the report was lost.
My colleague was supposed to be on board for his bus trip back to Port Dickson but I persuaded him to stay until we finish it. By the time we finished at 11pm he already missed his bus. What I did was driving him all the way from PJ to Port Dickson, and drove back to my village in Ipoh afterwards and reached home on the morning of the Raya.
Our energy was drained but we both glad we did the right thing. 

3. What was the biggest mistake you have done in your career; what you did afterwards to remedy it? Was the result positive?

I left my first job to join company x due to a significant offer on the salary. However I realized that I had not been learning much from the company and I only lasted for 6 months. Then I realized money is not everything in pursuing your career. Job satisfaction and the experience you gain is far more important. Since then I do not rush into making decisions before I made a thorough research before deciding to move on.

4. What is your most important contribution in your current company?

Last year I led a team conducting an audit on our internal Human Resource processes. We have found significant flaws in the recruitment flow and suggested a revamp on the process that cut the cost by 40% and speed up the process at a faster rate. It has now become a blue print for standard recruitment strategies in our company. 

5. Describe a situation where your motivation level is at a very low point. What was the situation? Why?

Last year my company underwent a minor downsizing and as a result, a lost a number of working colleagues that were very close to me. It is sad to lose them, but life has to go on. I learnt that life is not always on the up. It somehow affected my work as my motivation is low but I came off well after 1 month. 

B. Analytical

6. From your point of view, what are the current challenges and issues in the industry that you’re currently in?
7. What is the biggest challenge in your current employment?
8. What can you contribute (short term & long term) if you join our organization?
9. Who do you see yourself 5 years down the road? How do you plan to achieve that?
10. What you’ve learnt in your current employment?

C. Project Management

11. Explain about the recent project that you have been involved recently. What were your roles and responsibilities in this project? What was the biggest challenge during the completion of this project? Is the project successful?
12. What is the most challenging aspect working in a team? Why?
13. What are you key strengths and weaknesses? What do you do in order to overcome your weakness? How effective is your action?
14. How do you describe your working style?
15. How would your boss describe you?

D. Leadership and Conflict Resolution

16. Describe a situation where you were in the middle of a conflict and what were your actions to resolve the conflict? Indicate the results of your actions.
17. What do you think the most important quality that a leader needs to have and how you would measure the effectiveness of this trait?
18. Given an authority, what would you change in your current organization?
19. How would you approach your superior that has made a decision where you strongly believe is not the right one? Give a specific example of the situation you have encountered.
20. What is your biggest non-academic achievement that you’re mostly proud of?

Top 10 : General Interview Tips


Majority of the interviewees go to an interview without much preparation. These ten interview tips will help you go through an interview with a breeze!

Number 10

Plan Ahead

Be Prepared! Do a little homework prior to the interview. Browse through the employers’ website and learn something about the company before you attend your interview. Research the company and the position if possible, as well as the people you will meet with at the interview. Review your work experiences. Be ready to support past career accomplishments with specific information targeted towards the companies’ needs. Prepare your facts and get them right!

Number 9

Role Play

Once you have finished your research, begin role playing (rehearsing). Be prepared for questions that are frequently asked by employers such as “Tell me about yourself” or “Why should we hire you?” Write down answers if it helps to make your presentation more concise. Try to keep your answers to the information your new employer will want to know. It is good to get the advice from those who are more experienced or better still, from the HR people to get a clear picture on what the recruiters are looking for.

Number 8

First Impression Counts!

You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Dress professionally and appropriately (according to the job you are applying for). Flip-flop sandals and singlet are definitely out.

Number 7

Be On Time!

If possible, try getting to the venue before the actual interview day to see how long it will take. Public transport may be unreliable, you may have been stuck in heavy traffic, but however reasonable your excuses are, they won’t change the fact that your chances are reduced if you are late. Remember that first impression counts!
Worse comes to worst, if you are going to be late, ring your interviewer(s) and let them know. It is a matter of courtesy.

Number 6

Be Positive!

Don’t criticise past employers, particularly within the industry. Focus on positive achievements and views. In particular, avoid negative comments about past employers,. And don’t talk too much! You may be shooting yourself in your foot (literally) when you disclose too much of information that you do not wish to be known in the first place.

Number 5


Encourage the interviewer to share information about his or her company. Demonstrate your interest.

Number 4

Eye Contact

Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Show that you want the job with interest.

Number 3

Adapt and relate

Listen and adapt. Be sensitive to the style of the interviewer. Try to relate your answers to the interviewer and his or her company. Focus on achievements relevant to the position. Talk about specific achievements!
Interviewers like to know how you felt about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you’ve done that you’re particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned – and improved – from difficult situations.

Number 2

Be honest!

There really is no point lying about your background and/or skills. If you get caught, or even manage to get away with it by getting employed and then get found out, you can be sure you won’t be around for long! Job interviews are about matching needs – if there isn’t a good match, then chances are that the job won’t work out.

Number 1

And finally, don’t give up!

The fact is that you will not be offered every job you applied for, however perfect you think you may be for it. Feedback from interviews where you have been turned down can be invaluable for improving future results. Ask politely if they can give you any feedback. Always remember that there is a job out there for you somewhere.